Case Study – Ski Resorts Revitalization with Green Geomembrane
Ski Resorts revitalization with the construction of two basins for artificial snow at the region of Friuli Venecia Giulia. The lack of water availability strongly affects the opening of ski resorts, specially in the seasons with low snowfall. The geomembrane used was …
Using Sotrafa geomembranes to eradicate invasive cane
The invasive cane which grows on riverbanks has a negative impact on a river´s ecosystem, due to its uncontrolled growth, high water consumption etc. It is extremely difficult to eradicate as it quickly grows back after being cleared, and can even grow …
New geomembrane plastic products created using an innovative production process.
PROJECT: AL/734/P08 SOTRAFA, S.A. has received a regional incentive grant, under Act 50/1985, of 27 December, which is co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The purpose of this grant is to manufacture new geomembrane plastic products …