Geosynthetics Mining

Geomembranes and geotextiles are most commonly used in the mining sector for waterproofing the heap leach pads in metallic mining (Gold, Silver, Copper etc.), and to prevent the acids used in the mineral leaching from contaminating the subsoil in non-metallic mining (Iodine Lithium, etc.).

The main geosynthetic applications in mining are:

  1. Leaching pads
  2. Waste dams
  3. Secondary barriers in product deposits
  4. Evaporation pools
  5. Brine ponds
  6. Concentrates ponds
  7. Floating covers
  8. Tanks for chemical products
  9. Rain protection
  10. Bioleaching bacteria
  11. Bladder tanks
  12. Soil reinforcement and stabilisation
Requirement Geosynthetic Solution
Waterproofing Alvatech and Alvapol geomembranes
Anti-evaporation Alvatech geomembranes
Protection Alvafelt PET or PP geotextiles
Separation Alvafelt PET or PP geotextiles
Filtration Alvafelt PET or PP geotextiles
Drainage Geodren Alvadrain
Reinforcement Alvagrid geogrids and Alvatex geotextiles
Stabilisation Alvagrid geogrids and Alvatex geotextiles
Bioleaching Thermofilm sheets for mining
Drinking water FlexAlvatank bladder tanks

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